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Product IRIS KashFlow
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 1, 2019

Your system does not currently have a facility for VAT reverse charging where the supplier is from a non-EU country. Please add this facility to your software.

Given the Global nature of commerce these days, it seems like a good idea to add this facility.  Currently the only available workaround in Kashflow is to pretend the supplier IS from an EU country.  This means that you must choose to either:  

a) not use the work-around, remember which of your suppliers are impacted by this, manually find the transactions  and  manually adjust boxes 2 and 4 of the VAT return.    


b) use the work-around, remember which of your suppliers are impacted by this and then manually remove all the relevant transaction amounts from box 9 of your VAT return.


Neither option is terribly conducive to automating accurate VAT returns!

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