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Product IRIS KashFlow
Created by Steve Gatter
Created on Oct 24, 2019

Erroneous splash-screen "Sign up for MTD for VAT is Required"

Clients have been signed up for MTD, and the agent MTD authorisation and submission credentials have been input into and linked in Connect, however Clients are seeing a splash screen "Sign up for MTD for VAT is Required" 


Why is this conflicting advice given by KashFlow?  It gives clients the wrong impression and causes questions and confussion.

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  • Steve Gatter
    Apr 2, 2020

    Here is the missleading screen that causes client to call and question.

  • Steve Gatter
    Apr 2, 2020

    Thank you for your comment Admin, why don't you change the wording to "Your Accountant has connected to MTD" rather than "Sign up to MTD for VAT is Required"....."you must sign up to MTD.................." (also giving the option to "Click here to connect to HMRC)"

    The current Splash Screen gives totally the wrong impression to the client and leads to questions, confusion and uncertainty, surely it could display the current status, rather than the wrong one.

  • KashFlow Product Team
    Apr 2, 2020

    The reason this shows is because even though the Accountant may have connected KashFlow Connect to HMRC and linked to the clients KashFlow account, it is still possible for the Client themselves to log into their KashFlow account directly and connect to MTD to make VAT submissions themselves.