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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Payments
Created by Rachel Hammond
Created on Jun 11, 2019

Allow batch payments of more than 100 purchase invoices

We have a supplier that we have a few hundred purchase invoices from each month but when I try to match the payment on my bank feed or to do a batch payment, the system won't allow more than 100 invoices per batch payment - this is really frustrating and I'm sure I can't be the only person to find this a problem?

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  • James Byrne
    Mar 2, 2021

    We had the facilty to pay off more than 100 invoices in the old version of Kashflow, can you advise why with the new version that this is not the case anymore.

  • Guest
    Jan 18, 2020

    You are aiming at significant sized businesses, 100 invoices in a batch is frequently exceeded when settling a month end statement, especially in the air freight and building trades, it is a ridiculously small size and needs addressing urgently


Increase the number of Invoice allocations for batch payments

When you have a large batch payment of purchase invoices it limits you to 100 invoices. Could you please increase this number as we have a few payments that exceed this amount of purchase invoices.
Guest over 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Purchases 0 Acknowledged