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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Suppliers
Created by Peter
Created on Jun 5, 2019

Improved CIS Features

Hi there, a few things that would make the management CIS much more useful:

  1. Ability to email CIS Certificates to sub contractors (i.e. suppliers). We currently have to do these each month and have to compile them outside KF, even though all the info is in KF.
  2. The CIS Summary Report in KF only shows overall totals at the bottom. It would be much more useful to have sub totals for each supplier. Currently, when entering a CIS Return on the HMRC website, it is the sub totals for each supplier that are required.
  3. Again within the CIS Summary Report. The 'Receipt Value' is not actually a field that is entered in a CIS Monthly Return. The actually figure required is the 'Total Payment Made'...which is the Receipt Value less the CIS deducted 
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  • Andie Painter
    Apr 29, 2021

    In total agreement with Peter. I have been requesting the ability to email suppliers the certificate since we joined kashflow 2016