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Option to assign purchases to projects from Purchase page

There is an option to assign invoices to a project on the Invoice page. Could the same be made possible for purchases on the Purchase page? Our project expenses are generated as ‘purchases’ via IrisSnap so the option to assign multiple purchases in one go to a project would be ideal.

  • Guest
  • Nov 26 2018
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    September 19, 2020 10:37

    Any progress after two years of consideration?

  • Guest commented
    October 15, 2019 08:54

    Hi, has there been any progress on this? Thanks.

  • Guest commented
    December 05, 2018 14:50

    That would be amazeballs :) Thanks

  • Julie Shepherd commented
    December 05, 2018 14:31

    Thank you, yes it does.  I'll certainly put this idea forward for consideration.

  • Guest commented
    December 05, 2018 13:37

    Hi Julie, 

    Yes I am aware that this feature exists when you go into edit an individual Purchase. 

    What I am actually referring to is being able to select multiple purchases on the Purchases page (where there is the whole list of purchases) and being able to assign them to a project.

    If you look again, there is only the option to Delete when you select a purchase from the list. However, where the Invoices are listed, it gives you futher options to Assign Project, Print PDF, Email or Dlete.


    Hope that makes my request clearer, thanks.

  • Julie Shepherd commented
    December 05, 2018 12:18

    Hi, there is an option to assign a purchase to a Project already, just under the Supplier reference box.