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Quotes & Invoices

Hi guys, 

Is there any way to change the order of Rate, Total and VAT on both, quotes and invoices? 

Each time I send an invoice it shows the Rate, Totals and VAT last, which is a bit strange to see the totals before the VAT. 

Can you change it to show: 

Rate, VAT and the totals as the last one on quotes and invoices, please? 

I will need this changes as soon as you can. 




  • Blue Personnel
  • Nov 4 2018
  • Acknowledged
  • Attach files
  • Blue Personnel commented
    6 Nov, 2018 03:58pm

    Hi Julie, 


    Thanks for the update. 

    Maybe is time to move to another provider then. 

    Is not the first issue and you seem to take quite a while to make some changes. 

  • Julie Shepherd commented
    6 Nov, 2018 03:52pm

    I'm sorry this is not possible at the moment but it's something that we will bear in mind.