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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Invoicing & Quotes
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 10, 2018

The ability to have fractional items in invoices

We are a children’s nursery so the vast majority of what we invoice is for monthly childcare fees. When a child starts mid-month, finishes mid-month, or changes their booking pattern mid month then we end up with a fraction of a monthly fee item like you can see here. All the different monthly fees (there are over 100 of them) are managed through fixed sales codes.

In another business I run, totally unrelated, it’s also quite common to have fractional items on invoices, for example hours of consultancy.

I realise you can actually have fractional items already but I hear its not really meant to be used and in one instance its made some rounding errors where the single item on the invoice was £376.98 yet the total at the bottom of the invoice showed as £376.99

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