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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Reports
Created by Gethin Davies
Created on Sep 3, 2018

Income/profit by product summary

At the moment the only options for income by product is a pie chart or a excel sheet showing every transaction for a product. Although this is useful; for a company that has thousands of sales per period, it can be difficult to extract a summary of the data. A useful report  may be one that shows one-line summaries for each product such as: Number sold, Purchase price, Sales price and profit.


An option for summaries may be useful as an option for other "income by..." or "Sales by..." codes. 

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  • Nick Robinson
    Nov 22, 2019

    Sometimes yes it is good to see the income you make from your sales, but in order to project future stock requirements based on your projected business growth, all you need is a summary of how many of each product you have sold. It is crazy that this simple option is not available as a report! When you have many products it is time consuming to go into each product to get a sales summary and with the income sales summary all the info is there, it just doesn’t add up each column (including the amount of each product sold) so you have to then download the report into a csv file and then add it up yourself. Hugely time consuming! 
    Please can you just create a report which summarises how many of each product have been sold in total and by each customer, between certain dates, and all products on one sheet.