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Report Builder

To be able to extract fields from various areas such as invoices and purchases for example.

  • Guest
  • Jul 12 2018
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Neil McDonald commented
    1 May, 2020 02:51pm

    This would be really useful. To just add some additional fields to existing reports would be good and a complete report builder would be great. It is just calling up database info !

  • Jo Godwin commented
    15 Apr, 2020 01:43pm

    Is there any further update on having a report building facility?

  • Ralph Greenwall commented
    15 Nov, 2019 11:32am

    It would be useful to be able to generate bespoke reports including any specified fields with filtering (eg by date; payment status etc). Obviously also to then be able to store these bespoke reports and re-use : for example to generate monthly reports on a particular set of activities