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Status Will not implement
Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Uncategorised
Created by Brenda Southwell
Created on May 16, 2018

Just thought it was something which could be improved on. We are in farming and when we sell cattle they are all different prices so unless I enter each one individually (which would be too time consuming to even contemplate) I can only enter a quantity of 1 and just have to put the number sold in the description column. If, as is usual, the amount doesn't divide exactly and I have put the amount in the total column and a figure in the numbers column, it divides it up as best it can for the individual amount (rate) and then puts the remainder in the VAT column (even when VAT is 0%) and alters the total. I can't put a total amount on its own without the system putting an amount in the "rate" column.

I would presumably be able to ascertain the total number of livestock sold more easily.

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