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Product IRIS KashFlow
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 27, 2018

Delete data in ignored feed if it’s no longer required

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  • Guest
    Apr 3, 2018

    Please can ignored feeds be deleted. I am a new user from today and did not realise initially where ignored feeds went and so I downloaded my bank transactions too many times and now want to delete my multiple/duplicate ignored feeds. Even if this is something that I as a customer cannot do but that I can email and ask the Helpdesk to do would be great.

  • Guest
    Mar 5, 2018


    This is a total pain, I have a good portion of imported but ignored bank feeds.

    Lets say I import a new batch and in the middle of matching and working on the feed, I get pulled away to something else.

    When I come back to work on it again, all of the ignored feeds are now in with my current batch I'm working on. It's very confusing what's current and what's not.

    It is essential to be able to remove ignored feeds, other wise it's quicker to just manually input bank transactions,


    Thank you