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Status Released
Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Payments
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 29, 2018

More Filters When Making Batch Payments

The Batch Payment Function is useful, but could do with a few improvements that would make the solution much more efficient for users:

1. Allow more than 100 purchases per batch payment (200 or 300 would work much better for us as a business)

2. When selecting purchases to include in a batch payment it is possible to filter by name of supplier but not by date - as many of our purchases are made on 60 day EOM terms, when doing a batch purchase of, for example, November invoices, I have to wade through all of the January and December invoices that have been put on since, pressing the "load more" button about 20-30 times to get to the invoices I want to select! If there was a way I could set a date filter for only November invoices and then select all the invoices, it could save me loads of wasted time. The date filter is available on lots of other functions in KF, including reports, statements etc, so I'm assuming it must be something that is possible to achieve.

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  • James Byrne
    Feb 25, 2021

    As we receive large amounts in one batch payment we have 200 plus invoices in one batch

    would help a lot if we could include 200 -300 invoices in a batch