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Status Planned
Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Reports
Created by Katrina Boydon
Created on Jan 26, 2018

Unpaid and Part Paid Invoices Report as downloadable data file

I issue single invoices paid over a long period in a schedule of installments. The due date is sometimes a year or more into the future. As payments are against a single invoice, there is no flag to let me know an installment is overdue. Issuing separate invoices for each installment is laborious and confusing for the customer (I tried it). As far as I can see, the only report that includes the due date is the unpaid invoices report. Unfortunately, it isn't downloadable as a data file. I'd like a a data file with rows as follows:

Inv # Customer Reference Full Amount Amount Owed Due Date


I could then manipulate this data in Excel to work out WHEN customers owe their next installment.

If there is another way to handle scheduled pre-payments against a single invoice I would love to hear about it. Thank you.

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  • Katrina Boydon
    Jul 13, 2018

    I see this is now Planned. Thank you. Up to now I have been adding instalments as comment line items using a particular format. I then download using the Audit Trail report and manipulate in Excel to get the amount due for each instalment. This is not ideal as it relies on me manually updating comments and not making any mistakes. I would prefer to see this as a function that allows manual entry of the instalment amount (as they do change sometimes. If a client pays more or less on one instalment I'd like to be able to change the amount due on the next instalment. Obviously lots of functionality around this. I haven't explored out accounting programs so don't know how it's done elsewhere.