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Allow Stock to be increased on receipt of invoice

When I purchase some of my stock items, I tend to receive an invoice payable within 30 days.

If I create the invoice on Kashflow, the stock is NOT updated until I make payment which is confusing.

There should be an ability when creating the supplier invoice, to add items to stock at that point.

  • Rich Mellor
  • Dec 31 2017
  • Acknowledged
  • Attach files
  • Rich Mellor commented
    16 Jan, 2018 09:27pm

    I have now found the "Receive Stock" link once the invoice is created - it is just on a laptop, this is hidden below the bottom of the screen and therefore not very obvious.  Why not also have a tick box on the create invoice screen?

  • Guest commented
    10 Jan, 2018 03:13pm

    Hello Rich, 


    At the bottom of the purchase invoice you should see an option to "Receive Stock". You can tick this box and the accept the  goods in, which updates the stock record without having to mark the invoice as paid.