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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Customers
Created by Rob Smith
Created on Dec 18, 2017

Customer Search Bar Nonsense

Most search bars in software apps or on web pages are always at the top of the screen, so why is it that Kashflow has it at the bottom of the screen. This is totally unintuitive - it also means that when you select the customer module your cursor is at/near the top of the screen, you then have to drag it to the bottom of the screen to input the search function, then drag it all the way back to the top of the screen to choose from the selection given (and the blinking search bar has now moved to the top of the screen anyway!!) - its a bit of a nonsense and could easily be resolved by moving the search box to the blank black area at the top of the screen which tells you where in Kashflow you are.

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Search option in customers

Finding a customer should be EASIER. At the momento, if I want to search for a customer, I have to scroll down to the bottom of the page and press the next page button. Imagine if you have 300 customers, you spend about 3 minutes to find each cu...
Guest over 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Customers 1 Released