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Improved management of 3rd party payments

I have a problem that often results in gocardless transactions being applied twice to my current account balance.

Whenever gocardless pay money into my current account this is automatically applied to my current account balance which is great.
However when I import transactions into my current account the transaction will appear on the list as if it hasn't already been allocated, this has lead to quite a bit of confusion where the current account balance in Kash Flow and my actual balance are out of sync and we have to go hunting for these rogue transactions.

It'd be great if I could do either of the following...
When a transaction is auto imported from gocardless (or stripe or whatever) it doesn't show up as unimported when I import my bank transactions.


I would like to stop these transactions from being auto imported from gocardless so I do all my importing via my current account.

Please help, the current setup is confusing me no end!
  • Guest
  • Jan 10 2017
  • Acknowledged
  • Jan 10, 2017

    Admin response

    Hi Dave, When you make a GoCardless transaction it’ll record the payment etc for you. Then when you import bank feeds through your Current Account it’ll bring it in again. I understand you can match the payment and it should overwrite the payment but it still brings in the transaction when it’s already been recorded, which will cause an issue. However, when a GC transaction is made we do a transfer from GC to the current account so the current account should be in sync. Have you contacted support about this?
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  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2017 09:34

    Hi, yes I contacted support, they said "This is how it's intended to work. There isn't anyway a software can tell a transaction is a duplicate if it's coming from two different places". If possible I would like to stop the automatic transfer from GC to current account, this would side-step the confusion for me.