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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 10, 2017

A bigger box...

At the moment all of the KashFlow accounts that appear on our Connect dashboard all have the same design fault in the Suppliers and Customers section, so I am assuming this is a problem for other people. In any account, in Suppliers, Other Info and Settings, there is a box under Payment Terms showing the amount of days left until a purchase is due to be paid or marked as overdue in the system. The box is not big enough to show three digits, so where a client set up the standard days to 100, it only shows 10 on the screen. When you go into all the suppliers it looks like every purchase is set to 10 days... when actually the number in the box is 100 (you can't see the extra 0). This has caused some issues for our clients because they have not paid a lot of invoices on time as they were relying on the system to report to them the dates things were due.

The same fault also appears in Customers, Options, Payment Terms...

Please could you make the number box a couple of millimetres wider so that three digits can be shown?

I have sent screenshots to George Gillespie at KashFlow Support if you need copies...

Many thanks KashFlow.

Hannah Walton
    Jan 10, 2017
    Hi Hannah, Thank you for pointing that out! It seems that the box in question is dynamic depending upon the browser window size so hasn't been noticed before. In the short term I would suggest using a maximised window and we will then look into making the box bigger
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  • Guest
    Jan 10, 2017

    Hi KashFlow,

    That's brilliant! Thanks for your help! :-) Thank you...