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The ability to issue bulk remittance to suppliers consisting of all payments issued on a particular day.

We are making single consolidated payments to suppliers for various invoices. This is typically done at the end of the month. Currently I can only issue one remittance per invoice. To reduce the paperwork, perhaps a bulk remittance could be created that contains all paid invoices for a particular date?
  • Guest
  • Jan 10 2017
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  • Guest commented
    18 Oct, 2023 10:32am

    Now over 6 years on since this was first suggested and I am currently having the same issue. It is a fairly basic feature that is available on other software surely this is something that could be sorted?

  • Guest commented
    27 Aug, 2019 10:34pm

    We are now starting to use this system (second month in ) and am having exactly the same issues - SURELY after 2 Years 7 Months this issue has been sorted - although if it has i can't find out how - it's not really sensible to email and print 40 + payments to one supplier Someone needs to pull there finger out!!!!!


    Any else had this problem ??

  • Guest commented
    10 Jan, 2017 09:33am

    Finding same issue, even doing emails is not that good as suppliers can end up with a pile of emails!!

    Can't be that difficult to do a remittance for multiple bills paid by one payment transaction to the same supplier!