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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Invoicing & Quotes
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 10, 2017

See assigned email template on Repeat Invoices Screen

We have nearly 400 repeat invoices set up, and have a over a dozen email templates to pick from depending on the nature of the repeat invoices. However, without entering each repeat invoice, there is no way to see which covering email will be used when the repeat invoice is sent out.

There are 2 ways this could be improved.
1) Show the allocated email template on the repeat invoices screen.
2) Add a search drop-down to be able to filter by email template.

Over time, we may re-word an email template, but then need to be sure that the new wording is appropriate across the board, so being able to easily see the affected repeat invoices would be a huge help.

There could even be a jump into the filtered output from the screens where email templates are managed.

Email templates are a powerful part of the system, but it would be even more powerful if where they were used was not hidden away.

Sometimes it is the smaller enhancements that can make a big difference to usability, and take a system from A to A++!
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