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The ability o reduce the text size on envelopes that are printed, currently comes out very large. Thanks

  • Guest
  • Jan 10 2017
  • Acknowledged
  • Jan 10, 2017

    Admin response

    Hi Daniel, Are you using the C5 size envelope or DL?
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2017 09:26

    HI, it is C5 size envelope. Thanks

  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2017 09:26

    Thanks. To be honest, we haven't had a customer raise this with us before. We can certainly see if it gains a number of votes and if so, we can make a change within the app.



  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2017 09:26

    HI There,

    I think you have made some changes to the envelope setting which is great, thank you.

    However if possible, can you allow it so we can add more charectors per line. We have just tried running one off to someone who has a long double barrell surname and it has split it over two lines.

    Also, can you centre the text, it is coming out slight over to the right? Look forward to hearing from you.

  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2017 09:26

    I’ve just started using the KashFlow programme and think it’s excellent. However, there are problems with addresses. On some longer addresses, the large font size means that they will not fit onto the envelope. I have tried DL and C5 sized envolopes. Is it possible to reduce the font size please so that longer addresses would fit within the envelope?

    Also, some addresses are so long that there aren’t enough lines within the “contact details” to take the full address the way it should be written. One more extra line would be brilliant.
