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General Notes on Dashboard

We think it would be a great (and simple to add) feature to have a simple notes/reminders section on the Dashboard.

We know notes can be added against specific customers, but it would be great if a small section could be added on the dashboard whereby we could put little messages as reminders to ourselves of jobs which need doing or where things are upto or customers who need speaking to. Something as simple as the Reminders app on iOS or OSX would be ideal. It wouldn't need to be part of the audit trail or anything complicated like that - but would just save sending internal emails or leaving paper notes for little issues, and they would just be deleted or ticked off when they were done or no longer relevant.

Just an idea, but we think it would be great.


  • Guest
  • Jan 10 2017
  • Acknowledged
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  • Guest commented
    January 16, 2018 11:55

    I came on Canvass to suggest this very idea.

    I have just found myself needing to add a note somewhere and it's not the first time I have needed to add one.  For me, it's just a general, non-specific note, but something nonetheless that I need to remind myself of in a few days time.

    At the moment my only option is to use another service, such as Google Keep, or create a paper note (which is not ideal as my KashFlow work is done at different locations).

    So yes, a simply general note-taking feature on the dashboard would be very welcome.

  • +2