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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Projects
Created by Nick Robinson
Created on Jan 10, 2017

A fast method of assigning project numbers to transactions.

We use projects extensively for reporting purposes in our charity. We bring in circa 300+ Paypal payments in a month and each generates two transactions - the actual sale and the Paypal charge giving upwards of 700 transactions. At present the only way to assign a project number is to open each transaction individually which would be hugely time consuming.
The nominal ledger report shows a tickbox against each transaction but at present this is only used to transfer to another nominal code. Would it be possible to add an action assigning a particular project number to all ticked transactions? This would largely solve our problem.
    Jan 10, 2017
    Hi Nick, Thanks for getting in touch. We will look into the possibility of this with the development team and update you. This is a great idea, hopefully it will collect a number of votes from other users!
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  • Nick Robinson
    Jan 10, 2017

    My problem is that in a busy month we can have hundreds of Paypal transactions and it is simply impractical to open them up one at a time after import to assign a project number. Is there maybe some means whereby I download the Paypal transactions to Excel first and assign a project number there and then upload Excel to Kashflow? Normally our Paypal payments in any given month will relate to not more than two projects and so copying and pasting project numbers in Excel would be far quicker.
    If I create invoices relating to these payments in an uploadable format in Excel, could I then import PayPal and have Kashflkow match the payments?

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