Much like the current DropBox integration but with Microsoft OneDrive, plus a nice way of moving from one to the other would be nice...
Jan 10, 2017
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately we are unlikely to integrate further with any document storage portals having just strengthened our integration with Dropbox and also with the IRIS Open Space portal.
Dropbox suffered from lack of security and clients had to pay the price, plus don`t think they have any storage locations in UK so data governance is key for some of us.
Just want to note in today's Cloud environement it's quite restrictive forcing integration with a single storage vendor. Personally we dislike using Dropbox as a product but have no alternate choice where Kashflow is concerned.
We need more options for secure document storage. Dropbox is not the best, most secure provider.
Dropbox suffered from lack of security and clients had to pay the price, plus don`t think they have any storage locations in UK so data governance is key for some of us.
Agree. Not acceptable to be limited to one storage service particularly with many companies utilising Office 365
Just want to note in today's Cloud environement it's quite restrictive forcing integration with a single storage vendor. Personally we dislike using Dropbox as a product but have no alternate choice where Kashflow is concerned.