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AlphaNumeric field for invoice number/reference

Can you have this option available in the near future or on your next upgrade? I am requesting that invoice number fields to be alphanumeric. We await your reply. Thanks
  • Guest
  • Jan 10 2017
  • Acknowledged
  • Jan 10, 2017

    Admin response

    Have you been using a system with alphanumeric previously? We are not currently looking at bringing this in, simply because the entire app has been built upon numeric invoice fields
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  • Guest commented
    10 Jan, 2017 09:19am

    Yes, I too am really dissappointed at not being able to have Alpha numeric invoices - so many suppliers have them and it's just not compatible. Is there another option?

  • Guest commented
    10 Jan, 2017 09:19am

    Trying to Migrate from Yendo which allows alphanumeric fields. At a minimum "-" would be a huge step in flexibility.

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