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Customer Statement - No Opening Balance

It would be useful if when printing or e-mailing a customer statement that you have the option to show, or not show, the "Opening Balance".

This is especially useful when printing a statement set for a specific period of time.

For example...we base the level of discounts that we offer our clients on how much they have spent with us during a year of trading. We need to be able to e-mail them a statement that shows how much they have spent with us for that time period. Currently you can't do this without showing the Opening Balance...which confuses you have to subtract the Opening Balances from "Total Invoiced" and "Total Received" to get the figures for that time period.
  • Guest
  • Jan 10 2017
  • Acknowledged
  • Jan 10, 2017

    Admin response

    Hi Kyle, Thanks for your feedback. I ran this by the development team and they think this is a great idea. They will work on scoping this to be built into the system and hopefully you will see it included in a future release. We will update you through Canvass.
  • Attach files
  • Paul Craven commented
    6 Feb, 2017 01:33pm

    I have a few customers who frequently request "detailed" statements, after they have been sent a bulk statement with an "Opening Balance". This would be SO USEFUL!

  • Guest commented
    10 Jan, 2017 09:18am

    Show the opening balance date on statements when a specific date period is entered

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