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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit KF-I-3819 Due Date on Aged Creditors/Debtors Reports.

Running of aged Debtors & Creditors by due date Merged

It would be very useful if the Aged Creditors & Debtors reports could be run by due date instead of Invoice date.

Currently both these reports sort the outstanding invoices into columns relevant to their invoice date, however we issue some of our invoices that are due now where others are due 30 days end of month, these are all shown under the same column and not split, the same where our suppliers are paid on different terms but I always enter the correct due date but can not report by this presently!!!

I know I can see all overdue invoices but not by supplier and this report would help with cash flow reports as to what is due when both in and out of the company.
  • Guest
  • Jan 10 2017
  • Acknowledged
  • Sep 5, 2017

    Admin response

    Hi Amanda, Thank you for getting in touch. This is a great spot, I will run it past our development team and see what we can do. Many thanks
  • Guest commented
    24 Jul, 2017 04:44pm

    Here we are in July, with a recent update to the reporting module and still no way to report debtors by due date!

    With customers on varying payment terms, it is currently impossible to produce a single report that ties to the Balance Sheet and gives the split of the debtor balance between not yet due and overdue. When can we hope to see this?

  • Guest commented
    6 Feb, 2017 03:21pm

    As a construction firm we have a number of suppliers on different payment terms. Similaly our payment terms with our clients are based upon 30, 45 and 60 days.  I too have have the same issues when generating reports from the library as it lumps all payments by the date the invoice/purchase is raised. 

    I sent a similar request to the development team last year regarding this. 

  • Guest commented
    10 Jan, 2017 09:17am

    I would second that. its really frustrating not to be able to run a report which shows what your company owes at the end of the month. The current aged debtor report is useless as my accounts are all on different payment terms.

  • Guest commented
    10 Jan, 2017 09:17am

    I have just posted a similar question (didn't notice this one - sorry). It would be a very helpful feature as some of our customers are on different payment terms.

    The original request was posted back in March. Is there any update on if/when this will be available?

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