Improve reporting for Project Based Clients - System can currently print P&L for each individual project. However the system CANNOT print a summary Report to include the P&L of all projects on 1 report for specified date ranges.
Jan 10, 2017
Hi Claire,
Thanks for your feedback. We have a number of requests already for improved reporting both on the p&l and projects. We will look into this in the near future as an important improvement.
Please can we have an update on this. I have a client with over 40 live projects and to give them a p/l split by project I have to go into every project, run a p/l report, export it and make one big spreadsheet by project. Takes ages!
You'd also want to show any Invoices that are NOT allocated to a Project. Otherwise the report could easily be incomplete if you have forgotten to allocate an invoice to a Project.
If you are using Projects within Kashflow then it's quite difficult to get a single report / CSV to summarise expenditure/income on all projects by month. The easiest way to do this would be to add the project number or name to the Activity Report and few other key reports.
The Global Projects Report could then be improved further by showing the projects expenditure/income by month (within a date range specified) as well as giving the totals for the period.
Hopefully that should be very simple to implement - and would make a big difference to people using the Projects functionality.
Hi, we use a lot of reporting outside of the system by extracting data using the standard reports as csv files into excel, but we can't get transactions with the project code and the g/l in the same report. We know the information is in the system (as we insert project code against all transactions on input). It would be brilliant just to be able to extract data with project code alongside the g/l transaction report. Of course we will then be able to analyse/reconcile our profitability by project.
this is really important, its great to be able to drill down into individual projects, but a report that gave you an overview of all projects by date is essential
The last comment from Kashflow on this 'important' feature was In May. Are we not past the near future?! You can see from the posts how very important this is.
A facility to provide a report per project on Sales Invoices & Purchase Invoices as separate reports, just listing the details of the invoices (date and Inv No) and the amounts (with an option for net or gross) providing an end balance and the option to produce the report by date period. The profit and loss function is great when a project is complete but my MD isn't interested in charts, he wants to see exactly what has been invoiced in anyone period and then at the end of the job be able to see a complete itemised breakdown and it would make my life easier to!!
The current Global Project Report is of no use - includes VAT - does not total - and has no Date Range - needs Formatting too - pretty poor.
This applies to many Reports - the VAT Report is the same - pretty basic and poor format.
I notice that this request is more than a year old - therefore improved reporting does not appear to be high on the list for Kashflow.
Maybe time to look at another product as not inclined to recommend this.
This request is over a year old now and I'm not sure if this feature of generating a summary report to include the P&L for all projects in 1 report. Can KashFlow confirm what's going on with this 'nice to have'?
Im also wondering what has happened to this. I am currently evaluating other products!
So in 2017, "We will look into this in the near future ". What happened?
I've jsut posted a very similar post regarding creating reports on individual projects so that we see a bottom line income and expenditure
Please can we have an update on this. I have a client with over 40 live projects and to give them a p/l split by project I have to go into every project, run a p/l report, export it and make one big spreadsheet by project. Takes ages!
Requested the same today and added another vote - would be nice to hear a response back?
I agree. We should be able to see the profit loss with times dates. VAT figures should not be included as its nothing to do with your profit figures
You'd also want to show any Invoices that are NOT allocated to a Project. Otherwise the report could easily be incomplete if you have forgotten to allocate an invoice to a Project.
It would be an excellent feature to be able to produce this report.
If you are using Projects within Kashflow then it's quite difficult to get a single report / CSV to summarise expenditure/income on all projects by month. The easiest way to do this would be to add the project number or name to the Activity Report and few other key reports.
The Global Projects Report could then be improved further by showing the projects expenditure/income by month (within a date range specified) as well as giving the totals for the period.
Hopefully that should be very simple to implement - and would make a big difference to people using the Projects functionality.
Hi, we use a lot of reporting outside of the system by extracting data using the standard reports as csv files into excel, but we can't get transactions with the project code and the g/l in the same report. We know the information is in the system (as we insert project code against all transactions on input). It would be brilliant just to be able to extract data with project code alongside the g/l transaction report. Of course we will then be able to analyse/reconcile our profitability by project.
this is really important, its great to be able to drill down into individual projects, but a report that gave you an overview of all projects by date is essential
The last comment from Kashflow on this 'important' feature was In May. Are we not past the near future?! You can see from the posts how very important this is.
A facility to provide a report per project on Sales Invoices & Purchase Invoices as separate reports, just listing the details of the invoices (date and Inv No) and the amounts (with an option for net or gross) providing an end balance and the option to produce the report by date period. The profit and loss function is great when a project is complete but my MD isn't interested in charts, he wants to see exactly what has been invoiced in anyone period and then at the end of the job be able to see a complete itemised breakdown and it would make my life easier to!!
Also, Global Project Report should exclude VAT figures.
The current Global Project Report is of no use - includes VAT - does not total - and has no Date Range - needs Formatting too - pretty poor.
This applies to many Reports - the VAT Report is the same - pretty basic and poor format.
I notice that this request is more than a year old - therefore improved reporting does not appear to be high on the list for Kashflow.
Maybe time to look at another product as not inclined to recommend this.
This request is over a year old now and I'm not sure if this feature of generating a summary report to include the P&L for all projects in 1 report. Can KashFlow confirm what's going on with this 'nice to have'?