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Option to assign transactions to a project from a bank feed

Otherwise it doubles the work time required for both the client and ourselves
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow Connect / Other 0 New

Company Registration Number

It would be best practice if limited company registration numbers could be added during set up and then selected to be included on sales invoices.
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow Connect / Settings 1 New

When default payment terms are changed in customer settings have an option to allow it to update all customers default terms as well.

When the default payment terms are changed in 'company details' have an option for it to update all existing customers default terms. This will save time as you will not need to click in to each individual customer to edit their terms. When creati...
Guest about 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow Connect / Settings 0 New

EPS for Nil Pay

It would be really useful for Kashflow to support the submission of EPS when an employee receives zero pay in a month or all employees are not paid in a pay period. This saves having to keep HMRC Basics up to date with the data and also would help...
Paul C almost 7 years ago in KashFlow Payroll 0 New

Company name at the top of reports

I use kashflow payroll for a number of clients. The payroll reports are printed off and then do not identify whuch company they are for as the reports do not havethe company name at the top. This is marketed to accountants to do multi companies bu...
Guest almost 7 years ago in KashFlow Payroll 0 New

Child care vouchers

Allow child care vouchers integration with payroll
Osman Ali almost 7 years ago in KashFlow Payroll 0 New

Staff newsletter to go out with electronic payslip

We have gone from paper payslip to electronic payslip where staff are able to so do online themselves. It would be great to customise the electronic payroll with company logo and address. Also to be able to add the staff newsletter to their paysli...
Osman Ali almost 7 years ago in KashFlow Payroll 0 New

Payslip csv upload

Hi, we operate a 24/7 business with 9 staff working various shifts with a shift potentially having different rates of pay ie they work 8pm-midnight and ‘day rate’ and midnight to 5am at ‘night rate’. We produce a rota in excel that calculates the ...
Guest about 7 years ago in KashFlow Payroll 0 New

AE Pension Opening Balances

I am a new user to Kashflow Payroll and are, therefore, entering opening balances from another payroll software provider (Iris Payemaster). However, there is no option to add AE Pension opening balances for the YTD. Therefore, my year end reports ...
Peter Doble about 7 years ago in KashFlow Payroll 0 New

Multi user login for Payroll.

Multi user login or accountant access for Payroll, like the existing access in Kasflow.I have recently setup Payroll from Kashflow and there are a number of areas needed to be dealt with by my accountant for Directors PAYE and allowances. It would...
Mark Woodward over 7 years ago in KashFlow Payroll 1 New