Data Import - Import CSV Files using Kashflow Connect credentials
We are unable to import data (CSV's) via the Settings > Import Data function using our Kashflow Connect credentials, we are required to obtain and enter our client's Kashflow username and password. It would be good for accountants to have the s...
There should be an option where you can just run either all profit and loss nominal codes or balance sheet codes. But you have to tick through all nominal codes manually to do this.
I have a client who has asked me to send him all his fixed asset category additions by supplier. When I run the report it defaults to the purchase invoice number first - supplier. In Q/B and Sage we can customise this but in Kashflow you cannot wi...
i have a client that deals with clients in USA & has open an American bank account = $. so all transactions are in $ . I can input invoices in dollars but are unable to pay them off in dollars as the total as converted to £. this makes it hard...
Being able to use letters or special characters to invoice numbers
It would be great if letters and special characters (e.g. - or /) could be used as part of an invoice number. Our clients, who produce their own invoice numbers, will sometimes have a repeated number followed by a letter and we are then unable to ...
Globally change the ticked boxes on purchase codes and sales codes - EC sales and purchases and remove them as a default
Currently the sales and purchase codes automatically have ticked the (Include in box 8 and on EC Sales List) and for purchases (include as EC Purchases of products). Obviously some sales codes are services and not goods and even more so for purcha...
I have been trading nearly 25 years and have a coding system for customers that involves the use of &, but I cannot incluse this in my customer code, why, SAGE which I have been using all that time allows for this? I really don'y want to have ...
A notification if an email sent to a customer bounces back
Currently KF does log when an invoice is sent to a customer and to what email address. A couple of clients are not comfortable with the fact that if an email bounces back due to a mailbox being full or an incorrect email address is used there is n...
Calender reminder for actions such VAT returns etc
Instead of manually recording a note of the next client's VAT return/yearend etc into a Diary or similar. It would be ideal if Kashflow was able to send an email to warn you of the pending task for your client.