When completing the bank reconciliation, it does not tell you the "kashflow closing balance" and "statement closing balance", this was a helpful feature for working out where the difference is
When printing an overdue sales/purchases list, the total amount overdue is no longer appearing at the bottom of the list. When you print the list, it also prints with the date and kashflow url at the top of the page which occasionally overwrites t...
When you go into an invoice to amend something such as the company, there is an edit symbol next to the client name, for example;
If you click invoices and search 12484 and select the invoice, then click the pen symbol next to the company name, ...
We operate, in effect, a cash accounting VAT system in that all transactions are only recorded in the bank accounts. It would be helpful to be able to access these transactions and thus avoid potential errors occurring where VAT has inadvertently ...
Customer credit limits - notifications when limit is reached would help.
Some sort of notification when a customer reaches their credit limit would greatly improve the system. When accepting new orders this could be checked quickly.
Please make the whole of KashFlow read only for the client so that they cannot mess up their accounts
Please make the whole of KashFlow read only for the client so that they cannot mess up their accounts
There should be a tickbox in KashFlow Connect that makes the client's KashFlow totally read only for the client.
Please can I suggest that you add the functionality to batch print purchases? This function is available for sales invoices, whereby one can select multiple invoices and then download them all as a single pdf and print them as one document. Howeve...
Purchase Order - Option to make it a requirement to have a PO before saving
Quite simply - if we don't have a purchase order on an invoice, we don't get paid.
My biggest killer of cashflow is when I've sent an invoice, it doesn't get paid, and when I chase it's because I forgot the PO. Often, you can't just re-submit t...
Hi is is possible please to add a feature on purchases (and Invoices) that you could quickly search for a supplier or customer. At the moment in the main, I photograph my supplier invoices on receipt bank and then when I want to edit the invoice I...