My P&L isn't always accurate because sometimes I've bought stock for later re-sale, thus my purchases are high without reflecting that stock levels have increased. My accountant also moans about the trial balance/balance sheet not showing stock!
Sometimes I have clients who are also suppliers. Would it be possible to have a tick box in their details to be Customers as well as Suppliers to save putting the info in twice?
We will need to take and make payments through Ebay Direct soon. We can not at the moment convert payments into invoices on the system (as you can with paypal, have been told this by your support team) We will have no choice soon but to change to ...
Can date short cuts be introduced to save time when entering a number of invoices/payments? It can be quite time consuming having to enter the full date every time. Examples being: 4 - enters 4th of the current month 4/3 - enters 4th March of curr...
It would be great to be able to 'build' a sales unit out of individual stock items. Once a sale is recorded, the stock decreases in the component items, thus making the control of stock much more automated and the monitoring of GP much easier. Thi...
about 8 years ago
in IRIS KashFlow
Have the ability to set invoices to be emailed automatically to customers when they are marked as paid. Set customer by customer as not all customers require an invoice
A module to interface to Commerce Kickstart ( ) using the KashFlow interface functions from: and
An option to put a default setting for sales invoices list display, ie display by issue date
Sales invoices issued automatically shows "last 90 days". However, we would prefer this to show all sales invoices, without having to change the setting from "90 days" to "issue date" each time that your visit this page.
Ability to set all date dropdowns to "all" instead of the default "last 90 days"
I'm always having to change this dropdown, to see "all" invoices, jobs or transactions. It would be so helpful to select "all" set it for all dropdowns, and the choice to be remembered. Many of my customers don't come back within 90 days, so I cli...