Add a DATE stamp along with the PAID stamp on invoices when they Print or are saved as PDF
Hi there, I dont know why this isnt already a function but whilst the screen display of an invoice shows the DATE PAID for an invoice, when you come to print it out or save it as a PDF that field is replaced by the invoice due date. I know you can...
Change the end date of transactions for all customers in one go.
Sometimes the "end date of transactions" in the customer area stops at a date before the current one. This hides current invoices on the page. Please can the future date for all customers be set in one go (not each one individually)?
I have been a Kashflow partner for ten years now & for the first time, I am now having clients moving away from Kashflow to Xero, Freeagent, etc. In the last fortnight I've had 9% of my kashflow clients tell me they will not be renewing with K...
Expense should have option to allocate to partner/project
Under purchases you can create a ‘purchase’ or an ‘expense’ If you create a purchase you can enter the partner/project. if you create an expense it doesn’t give the option to enter a project. It ends up on the system under purchases but it is not ...
Is there any way that we can allow a purchase brought through the PayPal importer to allocate a payment to a purchase order? In the same way that we can allocate a sales payment to a sales order?.
Ability to allocate a receipt or payment to more than one invoice
Would save a hugh amount of time. At the moment need to examine each receipt/payment and identify whether it is for a single invoice allocation or what the breakdown is and post accordingly via the personal sales/purchase ledger.
Correct KF so that email reply is sent to KF user email rather than master admin email
At present where there are multiple users with different user roles it is not possible to set the reply address to the name of the person that has sent the email. When the user clicks reply, the reply is sent to the email associated with the main ...