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Add an 'Average' line on the sales chart that you can have on the Dashboard

This would give you an 'at a glance' look at how your sales are performing against the average of the previous 12 months
Guest almost 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Dashboard 0 New

Bank Reconciliation - Move Top Bar

Where the bank reconciliation currently shows the details at the top of the page and this is static. I think that this should be something that is on the side of the page and you can view as you are reconciling the bank. This is because, when I ha...
Guest almost 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow Connect 1 New

Matching Rules not recognised any more if more than one word

Before the recent updates to the bank feeds you could have a couple or few words to search for in the matching rules. However, now it's only one word that KashFlow recognises and therefore this function has limitations as you might not have just o...
Katerina Kurgane almost 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Bank 2 New

Additional Report

A last year's Comparison Report would be very useful ( Sage Has One) especially at Company Year end.
Guest almost 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 1 New

Allow access to data processed once licence has expired.

A licence may have expired and either the client or the accountant does not want to renew for a variety of reasons. Why not allow access to retrieve information processed but not allow any new data processing. At the moment there is no warning pre...
Guest almost 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Uncategorised 0 New

sales invoice number sequence

I have a number of clients who start a new sales invoice sequence each year (ie go back to number 1 again) as I'm sure many other accountants do. It is a real pain to have to update manually for each invoice
Guest almost 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow Connect / Clients 0 New

Able to add a prefix to order numbers

Ability to preset the Order number and invoice number with (say ) a two character prefix would easily identify the company in number series at customers and suppliers.
Guest almost 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow 0 New

Journal entires in Nominal Ledger Report to show journal name/title

The journal entries in the nominal ledger report (NLR) only show the journal number and the Narrative relating to that particular line item. Is there anyway of getting the journal Comment (ie the journal title) to appear in the report? For example...
Jo Godwin almost 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 0 New

Customer code on Nominal Ledger Report

The income by sales/product/customer and the activity report all show the Customer code, but do not include any journal entries. The nominal ledger report (NLR) does include journal entries but does not give the customer code. Is there a way of ge...
Jo Godwin almost 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 0 New

VAT payments, is there anyway of showing the outstanding VAT payment on the front page of dashboard

VAT payments, is there anyway of showing the outstanding VAT payment on the front page of dashboard as once VAT period passed the amount due out is reduced by the VAT amount being paid. This would help especially now that payment is suspended unti...
Suzanne Thompsett almost 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Dashboard 0 New