An option to select PAYE or Income Tax text on payslip
Currently the payslips show "Income Tax" as a set text on the payslips and the facility to amend the name of the automatic payslip tax item is not available. P.A.Y.E is an abbreviation for a standard HMRC salary deduction and should really be refl...
I have a client who has asked me to send him all his fixed asset category additions by supplier. When I run the report it defaults to the purchase invoice number first - supplier. In Q/B and Sage we can customise this but in Kashflow you cannot wi...
It would be good to be able to set-up a bank feed rule for purchase ledger payments on account. I have tried to do this by creating a rule for a 'transaction' and coding to 'creditors control account' but then there is no option to select the supp...
A P&L report has many uses e.g. send to prospective buyers, proof of income for lending etc. I would like to have a report that does not include our client names. On many occassions I would like this to be kept confidential.
I have been trading nearly 25 years and have a coding system for customers that involves the use of &, but I cannot incluse this in my customer code, why, SAGE which I have been using all that time allows for this? I really don'y want to have ...
When Printing Show the Project Number on Purchase Orders
We use project numbers on everything we do including; quotes, invoices, purchase orders etc. There should be a field when printing Purchase Orders that shows the project number.
Import JPEG pictures of bank statements (Eg a general photo of a paper bank statement with our client's carpet in the background) into KASHFLOW from SNAP
I would like to be able to import JPEG pictures of bank statements (Eg a general photo of a paper bank statement with our client's carpet in the background) into KASHFLOW from SNAP? The objective is to capture the data on the bank statement and im...
Would like Income by Customer (and expenditure by Supplier) report to be able to show values by month ie. if you select a period of 1/4/21 - 31/3/22 that it would show as below:- Customer Name Apr21 May21 Jun21 Jul21 Aug21 Sep21 Oct21 Nov21 Dec21 ...
If a credit is applied to an account, then saved for use later against a debit entry, any applicable discount is not shown which means one has to remove the credit which brings back the discount and then re-enter the credit which is a pretty poor ...