Ability to have stock value reports based on cost price rather than sales price
At the end of the year my Acccountant asks for the stocktake to be with cost figures and I have to trawl through all the invoice to work it out - It would save me a lot of time.
At the moment part paid invoices are being shown as the total invoice on one line of the statement and the payment on another line, which could be a number of lines away, depending on the number of invoices and payments applicable. This at times c...
Automatic mapping of nominal codes to SA103 classification (currently defaults to 'Exclude')
SA103 classification – the default is ‘Exclude’, even when selecting the ‘IRIS Partnership & Sole Trader’ nominal during the set up. Can these be pre-assigned to the SA103 classification given to them in IRIS Business Tax /Personal Tax, so tha...
It would be useful to be able to call up batch payments to recap what invoices have been paid. If there's a query it would be useful to be able to see all invoices paid in the batch
I send payment receipts to customers, it would be very useful if I could have an editable template for this. Currently I have to change all the details as required.
Setting early payment discounts at a supplier level, rather than entering them manually per purchase order
It would save from having to add a new line for the early payment discount for every single purchase order. The current scope has far greater margin for human error, especially if you are dealing with lots of invoices. For example, we might make 1...