Add address fields when creating a new customer/supplier
If you create a customer and chose to add an invoice when you save the settings it doesn't contain any contact information so you have to go back into the customer settings, add the address and then edit the invoice for it to update- time consumin...
Filter purchases by multiple suppliers via the REST API
In the Kashflow REST API it would be useful if you were able to filter purchases by a selection of suppliers instead of just one. Right now you can only select a single supplier to filter, but being able to choose multiple suppliers from a list wo...
Reduce width of Invoice so that it fits screen without scrolling or reducing font size
In old Kashflow once you had selected Sales and Product Codes they were no longer displayed on the invoice - now they take up too much space and you have to scroll to see the whole line to include the total price. We can't reduce the screen size a...
When I go to look at the recurring monthly invoices, the system has the options of looking at 10 items, 20 items, 50 items or 100 items... is there a way for me to have it so I can choose to see 500 items?
there are various items we need to add into kashflow invoices such as commodity code and country of origin for example there is no where to add this on kashflow invoices and it is essential information required for export etc I have noticed other ...
Due to the sensitivity of data stored within Kashflow, it would be great to incorporate two factor authentication support such as Yubikey or Google authenticator.
It would be helpful to add an additional column on the nominal report to reflect the project number the item relates to. This can then be really beneficial for analysis purposes. Being able to identify what projects the costs relate to each month
Purchase order and purchase invoices to have the same number
A purchase order gets sent to the supplier, the supplier responds with the invoice with the PO number on it. To match the payment through banking, the PO needs to be converted to a purchase invoice. When that happpens the purchase invoice number c...
Option to automatically allocate VAT component to a reserve bank account when payments are received
Cashflow planning could be made much easier by taking the VAT out of the equation. When a payment is received for an invoice, Kashflow could automatically transfer the VAT amount of the received payment to a designated reserve bank account so that...