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Ability to assign pdf themes to separate email templates

We have made some changes to the .pdf theme we'll use for sending invoices and quotes, such as presenting payment information more clearly, terms etc. However payment receipts emailed to customers also include the custom html, some of which is not...
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

Kashflow HR - self authorising some kind of absences

In KashflowHR it would be useful to have the capability to self log some type of absences without having to ask for approval from line managers - Working From Home and Sickness in my case.
Guest over 6 years ago in KashFlow Payroll / Settings 0 Acknowledged

Previous / Next Invoice or Receipt

We need a way to go to next and previous invoices. Sometimes I have to check a whole months invoice and you lose a lot of time (especially cause you cant open up an invoice in a new tab) going in, then coming back out and then going back to invoic...
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

Export/Report All Line Items from All Recurring Invoices

This would help with reporting and forecasting for renewable items and also cross checking with suppliers. Making sure that every supplier invoice is getting billed when sold onto a customer. Helps to avoid any missing recharged expenses.
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 0 Acknowledged

Default item List Number

We would really like to set a default for the number of items shown in a list. For example, in Invoice, default the view to 100 items. This would be especially practical when doing batch payments, we often have 20+ transactions from one supplier a...
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Purchases 0 Acknowledged


When an order is converted to an invoice can you make the status change to invoiced please? at the moment when you convert from sales order to invoice the order still says order, this is causing a problem as we are finding we are double invoicin...
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

Reports should list transactions even if the total value is netted to zero

The Project P&L report does not list transactions when the total value is netted to zero. No report should NOT display anything if the total value netts to zero - you need to see the detail so you know it is correct.
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Projects 0 Acknowledged

It would be hugely useful and perhaps for an online solution serious about challenging Xero etc to be able to load a monthly budget so KF can reprort actual against budget on a monthly basis

Client reporting
Guest almost 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reporting 0 Acknowledged

Supplier Lookup (Purchases screen)

When you hit a curtain number of suppliers the auto lookup feature changes - apparently for speed?! Issue - When you have X number of suppliers recorded and active (over 2.5 pages) the look up feature changes apparently to make things easier an...
Ben almost 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Purchases 1 Acknowledged

Update the Co-Operative Bank URL

Please can the URL for The Co-Operative Bank feed can be updated from the existing URL on KashFlow [], clicking on which currently gives rise to a 'The site id is not found' error message. To the URL for The Co-op...
Chris D almost 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Bank 0 Acknowledged