As you know the law comes into effect next week which will force banks to open up customer data . This will give official access to all bank's APIs.
I Suggest that Kashflow's ...
Most search bars in software apps or on web pages are always at the top of the screen, so why is it that Kashflow has it at the bottom of the screen. This is totally unintuitive - it also means that when you select the customer module your cursor ...
VAT returns need to process deleted invoices properly
When an sales invoice that has already been included on a VAT return is deleted, no reversing entry is made on the next open VAT return, meaning the client is not refunded the VAT that has been incorrectly paid.
Need to either update the system s...
Invoices in numerical order when you sort by customer
I would like to be able to produce 1 pdf of a number of invoices for 1 client. When I sort by client on the invoices page the invoices are in a random order making it difficult to select the most recent invoices to turn into a pdf.
eg I have just ...
If I purchase a bottle of milk, the effort it takes to enter this into Kashflow is far and above what it should be. I don't want to go through a whole process of pages just to log this purchase in my books. Please add the ability to simply log cas...
a) Whilst I find the ability to mark sales codes as a digital service (for the purpose of VATMOSS), this has much wider implications than the EU. I deal with a range of B2B and B2C digital services, from countries which have their own versions of ...
The most basic user can find out extremely sensitive company information!
It take some digging in reports but if i can do any of your users can do it. Please be aware. I have had to stop all my sales stay from using the software. Extremely annoy...
The current app is rubbish and way behind that of Xero. What is long overdue is the capability to capture expenses on the fly - scan a rail receipt, add it as a purchase etc. on the ledger and do away with me having to keep paper copies or batch u...
When logged in as a Sales user I can see there is access to the ‘Historic Sales & Expenditure’ report. The majority of this report is fine but it shows the ‘BANK TRANSACTIONS’ of which are not appropriate for our sales force to have visibility...
Please, for the love of god make a decent mobile app on iOS and provide an apple watch app to look at invoices/balances etc.
All this switching between the app and web pages, and having to sign in each time you do is laborious, and frankly annoyi...