Integrate the IRIS pre-printed payslips into the print option or develop a 1/2 page payslip as the current A4 version is oversize and a waste of paper. Put somewhere that the IRIS payslips can't be used at present with Kashflow (got caught out mys...
Secure Payroll Account data with multi factor authentication at login
Recommend security of account access should be increased using multi factor authentication (MFA), as per other Iris products. Also, MFA is a requirement for cloud services for companies applying for Cyber Essentials certification.
BUGFIX (URGENT) - Correct VAT options for Customer Profiles
Following the recent changes in readiness for Brexit, I see that my customers now have the following profile options: VAT Registered in the UK VAT Registered in the EU Based outside of the EU VAT registered in an EC Member State and I (the KashFlo...
Allow bank transactions to be Matched to both Sales and Purchase Invoices
Some of our clients have the same business as both a customer and a supplier and when payments are made these invoices are contra'd off against each other. It would be useful to be able to match bank receipts/payments to both Sales and Purchase in...
I would rather have a traditional bank reconciliation report where it lists the unreconciled receipts and payments. You have copied the Sage "Statement Report" method and its pointless.
Balance per Bank Statement
Add: Unreconciled Recei...
Give accountants back the power to reset clients passwords and memorable words, as since the removal of this feature more time is taken to explain the lost password feature to clients.
After all we are selling YOUR product and are the first poi...
Calender reminder for actions such VAT returns etc
Instead of manually recording a note of the next client's VAT return/yearend etc into a Diary or similar. It would be ideal if Kashflow was able to send an email to warn you of the pending task for your client.
Better Expense Management - built in, not 3rd party
KashFlow needs to have better functionality for recording expenses which is built in, not farmed off to a third party as this is an essential part of business accounting. In my opinion this should integrate with KashFlow payroll and be able to cat...
In Kashflow Payroll integration there is currently a single gross pay NL code. I would like to be able to assign each employee to a separate NL code which would then be reflected in the automatic journal.