I enter large batches of supplier invoices at one time. At the moment this is a stilted operation. Coming out of the invoice just created, pressing Purchases again - Create - Click in the invoice no. box. It would be better if after pressing Save ...
Option to automatically email client receipt of payment, likewise when paying a supplier invoice automatically send a payment remittance
When a client invoice is marked as paid have the option to automatically email client receipt of payment, likewise when a supplier invoice is marked paid a remittance advice is emailed.
When I press enter on an email template, KashFlow creates a new paragraph rather than inserting a break. Also, KashFlow removes tags outside of paragraphs. Can you please alter this? Thanks!
A project number field to the rapidfile batch entry screen. Without it, if you are using projects then rapid file cannot be used at all
Rapidfire bookkeeping is great, and useful if you have large amounts of transaction to input - however, if you you are using projects, then you cant use rapid fire at all, which seems a huge waste to me
about 8 years ago
in IRIS KashFlow
When a sales invoice is raised, if the VAT element is 0% or N/A (for instance for an EU customer) the totals section of the invoice sent to customers does not show this. Instead it removes it completely so instead of reading NETT (or cost), VAT an...
I would find it incredibly helpful to see the invoice/purchase order description in the summary list when viewing a customer and/or supplier. Currently you can only see the amount, date, Inv no and status.It would also be great if there was a colu...
There is a need for more fields in bank. We need to be able to put tranaction reference (eg cheque/paying in number); name of payee; description on transaction and ideally two further codes. Example uses could be internal refernec number in filing...
To give a true P&L for each project it would be great to be able to associate PAYE or CIS to projects, this would give a better picture of each project profit