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Function to sort Employees by surname

Most systems sort by surname and/or forename. More intuitive and also more useful for exporting data for analysis.
Guest almost 6 years ago in KashFlow Payroll 0 Acknowledged

VAT detailed report to show what was actually submitted to HMRC for that particular VAT Return

It would be very useful if the VAT detailed Reports actually showed the figures that were submitted to HMRC for that particular VAT Return period. Since the last update it has become apparent that the total figures for the boxes on the VAT detail...
Melanie Vaughan almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 1 Acknowledged

VAT returns for Groups of companies

Following the new MTD legislation what is happening for companies that are registered as a group with HMRC for VAT purposes? We need to be able to submit multiple companies as one VAT return to HMRC. Is there a way to link the companies so inter-c...
Vicky Vater almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Other 1 Future Consideration

Improve the Payroll Crosstab Report information

I would like to suggest some improvements to the Crosstab report include the Employee number, at least in the Excel download file add additional columns for different types of deduction such as student loans, maternity pay etc. make all deducti...
Guest almost 6 years ago in KashFlow Payroll 1

Make an option to mark a supplier or customer invoice in query/dispute

Everyone would benefit from this, as we are currently paying invoices that are actually in query, but there is no option to show this other than to delete the invoice.
Guest about 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow Connect / Other 1 Acknowledged

Bank Payment - Allocate to multiple nominal costs

Kashflow currently doesn't offer the equivalent of SAGE's Bank Payment option. Often there will be costs which come out of the bank, but need to be assigned to multiple nominal codes. Currently there are 3 work-arounds but neither are ideal. One i...
Guest about 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow Connect / Reporting 1 Planned

Month by month Profit & Loss report (Separate columns)

We should be able to see how the business is doing on a monthly basis. At the moment, it is only possible to see P&L loss one month at a time or several months accumulated together. Would be good to see each month next to each other in separat...
Guest about 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 1 Acknowledged

Report Builder

To be able to extract fields from various areas such as invoices and purchases for example.
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 3 Planned

Archiving facility of data over 7 years old

As far as I can tell we are not supposed to keep data for longer than is necessary to comply with GDPR but Kashflow does not offer any way to switch on archiving of data over 7 years old. Removing this old data would also improve performance and w...
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Customers 0 Acknowledged

Re-instate the google postcode look up button on the customer details screen

I use this button regularly to check customers invoice and delivery address when taking orders over the phone
Guest almost 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Customers 1