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Bank Feed - one payment to different invoices

Why are you not able to allocate one payment on the bank feed to three seperate invoices? This would make life a lot easier.
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Bank 1 New

Be able to download trial balances by month (i.e. multiple) for management accounts

I would like to be able to download the trial balance but for the number of months i choose. In other words I would like each month next to each other for the period I choose either by 6 months, 12 months or all time to be able to look at the move...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 1 New

Enable use of product codes in journal and bank spend/receipt

When I accrue for electricity each month - using a journal entry or I do a bank spend - I cannot use a product code. ie the accrual just goes into utilities under 'unassigned' on the P&L - which is REALLY irritating!
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Other 1 New

Turn an invoice into Commercial Invoice for shipping option

Option to have the ability to automatically create a Commercial Invoice for customs shipping declarations from a standard invoice (a Commercial Invoice is not actually an ‘invoice’ as in the traditional sense. It's required for customs declaration...
Guest about 2 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Other 0 New

When credit note applied then Kashflow should say CREDIT NOTE not PAID.

Customers are getting confused when we send a credit note as it says PAID. They only see PAID as its in big red letters so assume theyve paid it. Its a CREDIT NOTE therefore should say CREDIT NOTE
Claire Richardson about 2 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 New

Apply part amounts to payment on accounts

If say you had an amount pre paid by a customer of £6000. You post as a PA (creditors a/c) a month or so later, you raise the invoice but for only part of that amount £5500 - why cant you allocate this to the PA leaving the £500 o/s?? You can easi...
Guest about 2 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 1 New

Delete uploaded transactions before they are imported

This would help as if there is a problem with uploaded transactions eg duplicates they can be deleted before importing. I know you can ignore them but this does not remove them and when you look at uploaded transactions to be imported they are alw...
Guest about 2 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Bank 0 New

Delete duplicate transactions in the 'ignore feeds' section

I had a problem with the bank connection, had to disconnect and re-connect. There are now many duplicated transactions in the ignored feeds. I hate having duplicates and a messy bank, does this stress anyone else out? There is no way to effectivel...
Guest about 2 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Bank 0 New

Add option to carry over attachments from a Quote once converted into an Invoice

KashFlow behaviour at the moment is that any files attached to a quote are removed once it is converted to an invoice. I think it would make more sense were there an option for attachments to carry over and remain attached to the resulting invoice...
Guest over 2 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 New

Reduce font on new design

Even on my main pc, a lot of the new design is unusable as the font size is so large - for example, the drop down menus may show 2 or 3 options before dropping off the bottom of the screen. Typing a selection from the drop-down also does not work ...
Rich Mellor over 2 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Customers 2 New