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Display options

We can add new fields into customer and supplier fields but these do not appear on the customer/supplier transaction summary page. It would be useful to at least be able to nominate one field to appear on that page. A couple of examples: In...
Guest about 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow Connect / Settings 0 New

Password reset

Give accountants back the power to reset clients passwords and memorable words, as since the removal of this feature more time is taken to explain the lost password feature to clients. After all we are selling YOUR product and are the first poi...
Guest about 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow Connect / Settings 1 New

Read only users

There are many times when it would be useful for various employees to have full access to see the financial data but not be able to amend it. Many clients the MD is fully entitled to see the data but you would not want them to have the ability to ...
Guest about 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow Connect / Settings 0 New

Bank imports - creating transactions - VAT default

It would be useful if a VAT default rate could be set for each nominal, it is a mind-numbingly boring faff having to change every payment for net wages, drawings, PAYE, VAT etc. to N/A
Guest about 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow Connect / Settings 0 New

Data Import - Import CSV Files using Kashflow Connect credentials

We are unable to import data (CSV's) via the Settings > Import Data function using our Kashflow Connect credentials, we are required to obtain and enter our client's Kashflow username and password. It would be good for accountants to have the s...
Guest over 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow Connect / Settings 0 New

Supplier/Customer codes using special characters

I have been trading nearly 25 years and have a coding system for customers that involves the use of &, but I cannot incluse this in my customer code, why, SAGE which I have been using all that time allows for this? I really don'y want to have ...
Guest over 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow Connect / Settings 0 New

Company Registration Number

It would be best practice if limited company registration numbers could be added during set up and then selected to be included on sales invoices.
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow Connect / Settings 1 New

When default payment terms are changed in customer settings have an option to allow it to update all customers default terms as well.

When the default payment terms are changed in 'company details' have an option for it to update all existing customers default terms. This will save time as you will not need to click in to each individual customer to edit their terms. When creati...
Guest about 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow Connect / Settings 0 New