This is a redundant popup upon every login reminding to add additional users requiring an extra click to close it. What's so special about adding additional users? It's such a basic thing - it does not warrant such an annoying popup upon every login.
Why do our preferences keep getting changed?We need to see at least 100 purchase invoices and at least 365 days of invoices. Every time we log in the default is 10 purchase invoices and 90 days invoices. We need to see all customer history without...
Option to exclude archived accounts in the dashboard
When an account has been reconciled with zero balance and the account closed, I can archive it in Kashflow. I really don't need to see those accounts and zero balances in the dashboard.
VAT Threshold Alert for all customers required on new dashboard
Small business who trade at or just below the VAT threshold need this signal to manage billing processes. If this is removed from the revised dashboard I would not advise a small business use this software.
Make it possible to enable the API settings on all clients from the main dashboard rather than having to go into each client individually to enable the API settings
Quicker for any agent using Kashflow for multiple clients.