Enable un-assigned items to be grouped together to enable easy re-assignment
When producing reports eg., Profit & Loss - un-assigned items are shown within a code, however when you drill down on the un-assigned total - all the items in the original code are listed. Without going into each entry you are unable ascertain...
I need to be able to run a report which shows the number of units invoiced under a particular nominal code for a specific date range. I feel this would be useful for all users because it would allow a company such as ours who invoice for hours wor...
Including number of days on the detailed debtors report
Some factoring companies stipulate that the aged debtors breakdown includes the number of days. If it is too onerous to export to Excel and add a column, a business may choose to move across to another software provider such as Sage or Xero.
A great way to have an offline backup would be as per title; that is the option to export per year all invoices and or per client.Ideally the year export can make on the fly a zip file where inside is per client id the pdf's.
Currently, the nominal ledger report can be filtered by project but there is no way of producing a complete nominal ledger report that also lists all the different projects that these entries have been attributed to.
As a social enterprise with lo...
It appears that unless you run a vat report you cannot show the Vat liability as one figure on the balance sheet unless you journal the input, output and liability nominals into one. It shows input vat in current assets and output vat in current l...
Export/Report All Line Items from All Recurring Invoices
This would help with reporting and forecasting for renewable items and also cross checking with suppliers. Making sure that every supplier invoice is getting billed when sold onto a customer. Helps to avoid any missing recharged expenses.
The projects ability within Kashflow accounting is good and it enables to drill down project-by-project, the profit and loss accounts etc. The same functionality would be great for customers providing the ability to drill down the profit & los...
I think it would be really useful to add a 'payment type' drop down to the activity report, so that you can view all purchases and sales in a specific date range by not only if they have been paid, but how.
It would be particularly useful for bus...