There is already a sales order report in Can we get a download CSV button please to be be able to sort and filter etc.
I would like to be able to print a trail balance at the start of the year that shows only the opening balances. At the moment I have been advised that if there are transactions on the first day of trade that these will also be included in this rep...
It would be great if activity reports would show notes/comments for purchases, as they currently do for bank transfers. Presently, adding comments or descriptions is only possible after importing the csv file.
WE supply goods to the UK, Europe and the Rest of the World. Having a report that shows the % of sales by country would help immensely with marketing etc..
I would like to have a purchase order report the exact same as we have for sales orders. This would enable me to cross reference my sales orders against the purchase orders
We need to see at the end of an accounting period what Sales/Purchase Invoices are at what rates of VAT?
At the moment there is no such report and im finding it very difficult to produce /reconcile my accounts without such basic information.