It would be great if activity reports would show notes/comments for purchases, as they currently do for bank transfers. Presently, adding comments or descriptions is only possible after importing the csv file.
WE supply goods to the UK, Europe and the Rest of the World. Having a report that shows the % of sales by country would help immensely with marketing etc..
I would like to have a purchase order report the exact same as we have for sales orders. This would enable me to cross reference my sales orders against the purchase orders
Monitoring payment times for all customers in single report.
It would allow succinct means of identifying 'Average time to pay' for all customers.
Sales people would be able to have this to hand when discussing new business and also provides improved management information.
It would be great if the report section could generate picking lists - a simple list of the products ordered in a given period, with the quantities of each. A packing/delivery manifest to accompany it would list the orders in a concise format. The...
Date range to be the same from Profit and loss report to the nominal code breakdown
When entering the date range for the profit and loss or balance sheet report and then looking at the different nominal codes ie: sales, the date range changes. It would be of great help if it could copy the date range across.
Please include the audit trail transaction number in reports
Can you please include the audit txn number in reports, e.g. nominal activities etc? Preferably on LHS in its own column. I want to use the txn number to use as a reference to paper documentation for entries: much faster than giving each purchase ...
Hi, I believe it would be a good idea to have a report that shows your most popular customers so that businesses can see who to approach and who is buying more products off them etc.