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My Ideas: Payments

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I would simply like to see a Due date on my Purchase Invoices (Orders...beacause you don't have PI's)

I would simply like to see a Due date on my Purchase Invoices (Orders...beacause you don't have PI's) And in the Aged Creditor reports. We have a lot of Suppliers and therefore need a sensible understandable print out like you could get in Sage, Q...
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 1 Acknowledged

Be able to select a default payment method by customer or to enable to Pay Online button for select customers.

There is currently no option to select a default payment method by customer or to enable to Pay Online button for select customers. We have some customers who would like to pay by "Pay Online Button". Unfortunately we need to enable/disable this f...
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Customers / Payments 1 Acknowledged


Hi, I've started to use GoCardless and the integration is great BUT when I use the bank feeds to import transactions, I have to keep ignoring the GoCardless payments in as they duplicate the transfers that automatically take place as part of the i...
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 0 Acknowledged


Hi All,It is confusing when invoices are raised they show as paid immediately even thou payments are pending in GoCardless, is there not a way that invoices could be shown as pending payment and then change to paid when funds have reached GoCardless?
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 1 Acknowledged

hi-light a range of purchases or invoices and put in a payment date for the whole batch at once instead of entering each one to i put a date.

hi-light a range of purchases or invoices and put in a payment date for the whole batch at once instead of entering each one to i put a date.
Guest over 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 0 Acknowledged

Automated 'thank you for your payment' once accounts reconciled.

Customers have up to date confirmation of payment and we would not have to manually send a remittance advice per individual customer - I am currently having to send 100 individual emails.
Guest over 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 0 Acknowledged

Having a date invoice paid column to both purchase and invoice overview pages

Hi is there a way of seeing at a glance when both sales and purchase invoices have been paid? ie a column in addition to 'date' and 'due date'. i'm doing my end of year accounts and it would be really helpful when I come to doing the 'who owes us ...
Guest about 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 0 Acknowledged

PayPal Import - Payments in Different Currency

There is an issue with the PayPal import (well several really which are extremely annoying). However, this one cropped up yesterday when I imported some PayPal transactions including a payment to a third party in euros. I paid (say) £10 converted ...
Rich Mellor over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 1 Acknowledged

When entering "Add Payment" the date is automatically copied from the "Issued Date" to save time entering payments.

It would simply save time entering the payments, which I do at the end of each month. Therefore any receipts from parking, for example, dated 25/09/2018 must be entered under the "Issued Date". When I then click "Add Payment" I then have to re-ent...
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 0 Acknowledged

Batch Payment

If you have one payment going to multiple invoices, then you need to use the batch payment function, and you have to delete the original matching rule that is being offset against the supplier in order to avoid duplication of payments. However ...
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 0 Acknowledged