Import JPEG pictures of bank statements (Eg a general photo of a paper bank statement with our client's carpet in the background) into KASHFLOW from SNAP
I would like to be able to import JPEG pictures of bank statements (Eg a general photo of a paper bank statement with our client's carpet in the background) into KASHFLOW from SNAP? The objective is to capture the data on the bank statement and im...
Sort bank reconciliation transactions in order of amount
It would be really useful to be able to sort the amounts in the bank reconciliation so I don't have to search for the amount on the screen which takes time.
When opening a new reconciliation page in the bank please do not highlight (blue tick) any transactions
Every time I go to reconcile the bank the new page already has blue ticked some purchase payments, this is just confusing and I have to tick and un-tick them every-time.
The possibility to link pdf bank statements to reconciliations for accounting purposes.
Currently there is no means in Kashflow to see the bank statements as you do for invoices and receipts. This would be very helpfull for that accountants if the PDF Bank/Kredid card statement could be attached to say the reconcilitaion of the bank ...
Action; Integrate "Payit" (the open banking / natwest facility) into Kashflow. This will give Kashflow an active advantage over most of your competitors and improve the functionality and service you provide to your users.