Supplier reminders text as provided by IRIS needs changing
The new automated message from Kashflow about supplier payments states: "Payment is now overdue and you should arrange to pay your suppliers immediately. " Why does IRIS think it appropriate that it needs to tell me that I have to pay my suppliers...
Add a field to options to show Customer / Supplier are not VAT registered -
Currently Kashflow assumes all suppliers / customers are VAT registered. This is now causing problems with HMRC reporting following UK Brexit & NI protocols.
Gocardless integration for non VAT registered businesses
Currently Gocardless net fees is noted as bank charges and the VAT element is reclaimed. This should not be the case when the business is non VAT registered.
Please can you add a border option that includes Suppliers who are non-VAT registered. I always 0% these suppliers but I feel Kashflow would see This supplier as VAT registered / based in home country as it is automatically ticked. Which gives the...
Supplier invoice to default to which ever supplier you are using
When you select a supplier and enter an invoice it would be better if the system kept you on this supplier to enter the next invoice without having to choose the same supplier from the list again. So the system would always default to the supplier...
I've found it extremely frustrating that you can enter wholesale prices but you can't purchase in wholesale only sell in wholesale! Could you please fix this?? I now have to add all the codes again with another cost!
As there is a GetCustomerAdvancePayments SOAP API method for getting customer advance payments, it would also be beneficial to have something like GetSupplierAdvancePayments SOAP API method for retrieving supplier advance payments.